If you don’t already know the traffic count for the street where your sign is visible, take a moment to look it up—it’s an invaluable piece of information. Understanding the number of potential viewers can help you gauge the incredible impact digital signage might have at your location.
I love sharing this kind of data and make it a point to discuss it with every client when we’re designing their digital signage projects. In fact, I’ve often had prospective clients ask, “Can there really be that many cars passing by?” When I present traffic counts to business owners considering on-premise digital signage, their reactions are priceless. Most are genuinely surprised by the numbers, and I can often see the metaphorical light bulb switch on. They begin to realize the immense potential of connecting with this audience using custom, dynamic messages—all at their fingertips.

Data-Driven Decisions
When considering how to spend your marketing dollars, the traffic count at your location can be a crucial data point. After all, the only true apples-to-apples way to calculate the reach of all advertising mediums is cost per impression, most commonly referred to as CPM (Cost per Thousand). A little simple math can break down the cost of any signage project just like other advertising options. From there, savvy business owners can make an educated decision on how quickly the sign will generate a Return on Investment. Across the advertising industry, marketing dollars spent on digital signage show highly competitive results when measured by both CPM and ROI benchmarks.
An average four-lane arterial street carries about 20,000 vehicles per day. With an average of more than 1.5 occupants per car, that’s 30,000 people passing by daily—right in the perfect place and at the perfect time to see your message. So, what are you going to tell them?
To find your local traffic count, check out this link from the Kansas Department of Transportation. Most states provide a similar resource online. We live in the information age, and this data can go to work for you. Take a look, and let’s discuss traffic counts in your area.

Catching the Eyes Driving By
When you truly consider the impact your digital sign can have on the friends and neighbors in your community, you start to understand its importance. You have a dynamic communication tool along the road of life for people in your neighborhood. You get to engage and connect with potential customers driving by your location every day. Give them content that counts.
Next LED has sign solutions to fit businesses on any road. Our team designs, installs, and maintains digital signage for more than 1,000 customers across 17 states. Give us a call, and let’s talk about how to catch the eyes driving your business with a digital sign.